Price list

  • Osteopathy

    New Client 60 minute appointment - £75.00

    New Client 45 minute appointment - £65.00

    Returning Client 60 minute appointment - £70.00

    Returning Client 45 minute appointment - £60.00

    Returning Client 30 minute appointment - £53.00

    Discount* New Client 60 minutes - £72.00

    Discount* New Client 45 minutes - £62.00

    Discount* Returning Client 60 minutes - £67.00

    Discount* Returning Client 45 minutes - £57.00

    Discount* Returning Client 30 minutes - £50.00

    *Discount available for Osteopathy appointments for NHS staff, Emergency Services Staff, active OsteoPilates Cornwall members (when booking with Heather), HM Armed Forces Veterans and Students – please bring ID card with you to your first appointment.

    All new clients must have a 45 minute or 60 minute initial consultation.

  • Massage Therapy (Soft Tissue Therapy)

    90 minute appointment - £100.00

    60 minute appointment - £60.00

    45 minute appointment - £50.00

    30 minute appointment (by practitioner’s request only) - £40.00

    Discount 90 minute appointment ** - £97.00

    Discount 60 minute appointment ** - £57.00

    Discount 45 minute appointment ** - £47.00

    ** Discount available for Massage Therapy / Soft Tissue Therapy appointments available for NHS staff, Emergency Service Staff, HM Armed Forces Veterans and Students.

  • Podiatry

    45 minute appointment £50.00

    30 minute appointment £35.00

    15 minute appointment £20.00

  • Clinical Pilates (Private) - at Falmouth Osteopathic Clinic Ltd, Kimberley Park Road, TR11 2DA

    For a one-to-one private class (55 minutes) £55.00

    For a package of 5 one-to-one sessions (55 minutes each, 6 months from purchase to expiry) £240.00

    For more information on group classes online and in the studio, please follow the link to find out more:

  • Clinical Pilates (Group Classes) – The Zed Shed, Jubilee Wharf, Penryn, TR10 8FG

    For Pilates classes in small public groups, please follow this link to discover more:

Cancellation Policy

As we are a busy clinic with appointment waiting lists, we would greatly appreciate a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to cancel or to reschedule your appointment. If less than 24 hours’ notice is provided, a 50% fee of the total cost will be charged.